What a delight it is for us to grow specialty cut flowers on beautiful Tennessee farm land gently handed down through six generations. We hope you will allow us to grow and arrange flowers for that very special wedding or join us at a workshop or farm tour here at the farm. All flowers are farm grown. Some are heirloom and some are just plain pretty. Our hope is that through Aunt Willie’s Wild Flowers, the love of all things wild that grow and blossom will pass beyond our family to any who would choose to share in all that God graciously bestows.
Linda and Roy Doan

So to celebrate our love for each other, for our children and grandchildren, for our farm kids, and for our farm we celebrated several years ago with a twenty year marriage renewal and farm blessing with a guest list of only folk who had worked or contributed to the farm in a significant way. It had to be one of the best days ever through all the generations we believe
And thanks to Anna Hedges, one of our farm kids for these pictures.
Our Sweet Beginnings
When my daughter Kelly had Roy for calculus her senior year at Sullivan South High School, for some reason Kelly, her friend Cathy, and the entire calculus class decided their beloved bachelor Coach Doan should take me, Kelly’s mom out on a date. So the week after Kelly graduated the date was set. I was a bit nervous when Coach Doan arrived that first Saturday of June, but when he presented me with a rose from his grandmother’s rose bush, I decided a man who would cut a rose from his grandmothers bush and take the time explain it’s history would probably be okay to spend an evening with. Long story short, a happy year to the day later Roy and I were married with a church full of family and friends, including several of his calculus class in overflow seating in the choir loft, and of course I tucked a few rosebuds from his grandmother’s bush in my bouquet.
And along with Roy came a wonderful old farm complete with cattle, pastures, woods, and several run down old buildings. Adding flowers was just a natural addition to the farm activities and so Aunt Willie’s Wild Flowers was born. And with flowers came wonderful “farm kids” who came and stayed as long as they could and became a part of our farm family

(Keller and Jackson the 6th generation)
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